Welcome to the my blog. My name is Lucy Farfort i'm a freelance illustrator & designer maker. This is where you can find out what i've been up to of late, read my attempts at a decent post & the rantings of a visual addict. Hope you like it. You can contact me to say 'hi' by email on lucy@lucyshappyplace.com
If you would like to take a look at my work (& i would very much like you to) please visit my site:

Friday, 21 March 2014

Folksy Friday - Spectrum lovelies

Inspired by a rainbow I saw peering through the clouds earlier this week I thought it was about time for a spectrum themed showcase of some of the lovely things Folksy has to offer.
This is a rainbow selection with a difference, as rather than picking items that use all the colours instead I've chosen to dedicate one item to each colour in Isaac Newton's  sevenfold spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet .
Thinking about it this attention to detail might suggest that I have too much time on my hands. So before I continue, I can assure you I don't, and rather this just proves how committed I am to the blogging cause and bringing you a pretty post :)

 Press ? for keyboard shortcuts.  Blog post for tomorrow Lucy Farfort To Me Mar 20 at 3:30 PM Spectrum lovelies Folksy Friday  Inspired by a rainbow I saw peering through the clouds yesterday I thought it was about time for a spectrum themed showcase of some of the lovely things Folksy has to offer. This is a rainbow selection with a difference, as rather than picking items that use all the colours instead I've chosen to dedicate one item to each colour in Isaac Newton's  sevenfold spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet . Thinking about it this attention to detail might suggest that I have too much time on my hands. So before I continue, I can assure you I don't, and rather this just proves how committed I am to the blogging cause and bringing you a pretty post  Red http://folksy.com/items/3713950-Cotton-Message-Doll-Minifriend-Red-Riding-Hood







And all together now -


Just while we're on the topic of spectrums - does anyone else who uses a Mac, when the rainbow spinning wheel timer thingy comes up -

feel the need to place it somewhere amusing on the screen i.e. over the nose of a celebrity or someone who might be on your screen at the time. You know to create a sort of clown? ..... Just me?
If not you should try it sometime I find it serves no end of amusement....
Ahem, yeah ok I think we'll leave it there.


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