Welcome to the my blog. My name is Lucy Farfort i'm a freelance illustrator & designer maker. This is where you can find out what i've been up to of late, read my attempts at a decent post & the rantings of a visual addict. Hope you like it. You can contact me to say 'hi' by email on lucy@lucyshappyplace.com
If you would like to take a look at my work (& i would very much like you to) please visit my site:

Friday, 14 February 2014

In the cellar

This week i've been rushing around trying to keep up with various projects.
I'm a bit late with this post today as I wanted to finish a piece of work before blogging. In previous posts I mentioned having written a children's picture book story...actually 2 now, so currently i'm in the process of getting a couple of finished illustrations together, along with a book dummy so I can think about submitting to publishers.
Really pleased with how the first final piece has turned out, using a combo of gouache, pencil, ink and digital media.
These are the pencil drawings:

The final illustration -

and this is the finished double page spread along with the text:


Before I put this to bed the text needs a bit of work to make it more visually interesting, but for the most part its complete.
The plan is to do another couple of illustrations, one for a single page and maybe a vignette and then try my luck with some publishers.
Right I better get onto the next job. Phew no rest for the wicked!

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