Welcome to the my blog. My name is Lucy Farfort i'm a freelance illustrator & designer maker. This is where you can find out what i've been up to of late, read my attempts at a decent post & the rantings of a visual addict. Hope you like it. You can contact me to say 'hi' by email on lucy@lucyshappyplace.com
If you would like to take a look at my work (& i would very much like you to) please visit my site:

Saturday, 23 June 2012

An Italian Wedding

Been back from our little trip to Italy for a friends wedding since the end of May and only just managed to upload my photos - slack or what?! Still i've done it now and i thought i would share some with you.
Our two friend's Dave and Erin got married on the 28th May in the Lake Orta, the smallest of the Itallian lakes, so Dave and i made the event into a little bit of a holiday with a couple of extra days around the wedding date. All the guests were asked to upload their photos of the big day online, so i've been looking through the 500 strong photo album and there really are some wonderfiul images. These 2 are my faves, i think they really capture the moment perfectly:

Oh and here ones of me & him (my Dave) in all our wedding finery. This is one of the few photos i've seen of us where we both look passable. Normally i unintentionally pull off some stupid face just before the camera shutter clicks and ruin the shot, so this ones a keeper:

You'll notice how Dave is tie-less, thats cause he forgot. I could pretend that it was on purpose - the dressed up/ dressed down look, but no.

To sum up it was a really nice & welcome break and the weather was a damn site better than it is here at the moment. Plus the food was GOOOOOOD:


  1. It looks fabulous and it's lovely to see you. You look like you've just been captured stealing that pizza in the last photo :0) x

  2. Haha yeah it does a bit ;)
