Welcome to the my blog. My name is Lucy Farfort i'm a freelance illustrator & designer maker. This is where you can find out what i've been up to of late, read my attempts at a decent post & the rantings of a visual addict. Hope you like it. You can contact me to say 'hi' by email on lucy@lucyshappyplace.com
If you would like to take a look at my work (& i would very much like you to) please visit my site:

Friday, 16 May 2014

Doodle bug

For no other reason than I couldn't really think of anything to post about and as I didn't have time to spend more than about 10 minutes on writing something, I opted for a doodle. Which ironically took about 20 mins to finish. However it also gave me a good excuse to try out some recently acquired Tombow brush pens.

So here is a Doodle for Illustration Friday whose drawing theme up until this morning was 'Voyage', and I did this last night whilst watching Man vs Weird on catch up. Can't beat a bit of trashy t.v. every now and then.

Actually there sort of is another reason for this non post. I have a project nearly finished which is going to be making an appearance in my shop soon, but as its not yet ready to show off, rather than blog 'radio silence' instead I thought a doodle would do(ddle).

*Note to self: This needs more mountains*


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