Welcome to the my blog. My name is Lucy Farfort i'm a freelance illustrator & designer maker. This is where you can find out what i've been up to of late, read my attempts at a decent post & the rantings of a visual addict. Hope you like it. You can contact me to say 'hi' by email on lucy@lucyshappyplace.com
If you would like to take a look at my work (& i would very much like you to) please visit my site:

Friday, 7 September 2012

Folksy Friday - Bear All

Why the bear theme? Well everyone loves a bear! Oh that and I have a new idea for an illustration which involves a bear or two. The illustration will be done specifically for an exhibition i'm contributing to in October and i'll share more details on that little adventure in the not too distant future. But for now check out this bear fest:


Haha you may have noticed i've been cheeky and snuck one of my own creations in there. What a BEARfaced cheek!! ;-) Sorry i couldn't resist that one.
Happy Friday x


  1. Ooh, I love bears! What a lovely selection.

  2. What adorable bears, I especially like the tiny little bear in sitting on the log, he's cute.

