On an icy cold walk to work yesterday morning my ears burned as the chilly air whipped round them. Damn! I’d neglected to wear my much loved ear flap hat purchased from my favourite knitter Brigid Campbell of Irish Granny Originals. On passing the bus stop I jealously spotted a wise girl sporting a pair of ear muffs. When was the last time you wore a pair of these? I think I had some red furry ones when I was about 15.
Upon reaching the office I was given the disappointing news by a workmate that there have been blizzards forecast for the weekend. Definitely an occasion for ear muff wearing if ever there was one, so here is a collection of my favourite gathered from Etsy and Folksy. Admittedly most are from Etsy as Folksy have a serious ear muff deficiency. Oh and I warn you there are bad puns incoming!!
Somewhere over a rainbow I found this piece of awesomeness -
These ear muffs are so hoot right now -

Mary had a little lamb and then she turned him into these beauties. How cute are these kawaii style ear muffs?

Take a walk on the wild side and sport a pair of these -

Adorable teddy ear warmers. Not quite a muff, but close enough!

Or get a personal with a pair of custom made lovelies -

Have a cosy weekend all and keep your little lugholes warm :)
Awww thank you so much for including my white earmuffs! I enjoyed checking other items too! They are all cute :D