You can print these, email them, use them for your site etc. Pretty much do whatever you wish to do with them, except selling them on please.
This is the 1st time i've every created any digital downloads of my own and i enjoyed it so much i may even put some more freebies your way! So you better follow the blog & keep check or you could miss out ;) Haha sneaked that little plug in there.
Printing instructions for card:
The card design is the full length of a landscape, A5 size sheet. So when you print either copy the image and print 2 cards length-ways on an A4 sheet, or print 1 card length-ways on an A5 sized sheet. The idea is that when folded you'll have an A6 card with an image on front that continues around to back of card. I have also rounded off the edges of card so you can cut round the printed card and have nice rounded edges.
To download the images - click the link(s) below, zoom in to its full size, then right click & save target or save image - its all yours.

Free download-able Christmas gift tags here.
Free download-able Christmas card here.
Aw, this is lovely, and generous! Thanks very much, am downloading now. I already follow you so I shall continue to follow :D
ReplyDeleteWould you like to be interviewed/featured over at my blog abode sometime? Give me a shout if you do.
How cute! Just love them!